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EtherSens - Process Informatik Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

EtherSens Download

Mobile netanalyser

  • Load-studies
  • energy-audits
  • power- and energy-logging
  • simplified load-studies


Mobile netanalyser

  • Load-studies
  • energy-audits
  • power- and energy-logging
  • simplified load-studies
  • Power consumption
  • Current up to 1000A
  • Voltage up to 500VAC
  • Active-/reactive-/apparent power
  • Power factor cos phi
  • Communication with other PLC like LOGO!, S7-300/400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 via S7-TCPIP RFC1006
  • Supply:
    100-240V 50-60Hz (from L1) / 24VDC (over detachable connector) / USB (from PC/power-pack)
  • Operation/Configuration WEB-browser over LAN / WLAN
  • WLAN operating modes: access point (makes its own network) and client (connects to existing networks)
  • Data storage microSD / FTP-server
To the device


  • Power consumption
  • Current up to 1000A
  • Voltage up to 500VAC
  • Active-/reactive-/apparent power
  • Power factor cos phi
  • Communication with other PLC like LOGO!, S7-300/400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 via S7-TCPIP RFC1006
  • Otherwise as MONI
To the device


  • Digital and analog In-/Outputs
  • Relay-outputs up to 230VAC/16A
  • Evaluating, analyze -> react/control, record
  • Logical analysis and linkages
  • Among each other networked -> I/O-level reflected/transmitted
  • Communication with other PLC like LOGO!, S7-300/400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 via S7-TCPIP RFC1006
To the device


  • I/O, PLC, web-server controlled
  • Email & SMS messages
  • Optical / acoustic messenger external connectable ( horn, luminaire etc. )
  • Acknowledgment possible
  • Communication with other PLC like LOGO!, S7-300/400, S7-1200 and S7-1500 via S7-TCPIP RFC1006
To the device
PLC coupling S5 and S7

Data-processing/-recording of PLC-data?
Data-logging of recorded process-values in a DB writing or read out in the connected PLC via network, thanks to RFC1006-communication i n the devices is nothing in the way.
Even accesses to flags (individual bits of the words) are possible at any time. Configure the data via the integrated web-server that gets target-PLC or returns the necessary-data.
If the PLC does not have an Ethernet-port, with optional adapters, enable this communication:

  • S5 over S5-LAN++
  • S7-PPI/MPI/Profibus over S7-LAN

Data backup S5-PLC on FTP-Server

S5-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet on FTP-server

Data backup S5-PLC on FTP-server via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet to FTP-server

Data backup S5-PLC on SD-card

S5-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet on SD-card

Data backup S5-PLC on SD-card via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet to SD-card

Data backup S5-PLC on USB-stick

S5-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet on USB-stick

Data backup S5-PLC on USB-stick via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PG-socket and Ethernet to USB-stick

Data backup S7-PLC PN-port on FTP-server

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port on FTP-server

Data backup S7-PLC PN-port on FTP-server via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port to FTP-server

Data backup S7-PLC PN-port on SD-card

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port on SD card

Data backup S7-PLC PN-port on SD-card via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port to SD-card

Data backup S7-PLC PN-port on USB-stick

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port to USB-stick

DB-Backup/Restore S7-PLC PN-port on USB-stick via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via PN-port to USB-stick

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on FTP-server

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus on FTP-server

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on FTP-server via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus to FTP-server

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on SD-card

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus on SD-card

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on SD-card via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus to SD-card

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on USB-stick

S7-PLC triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus on USB-stick

Data backup S7-PLC over MPI/Profibus on USB-stick via dig. IO

Via digital input triggered DB-backup/-restore without additional PC via MPI/Profibus to USB-stick

Operation via web-browser

To parameterize the EtherSens-device you don´t need a special PC or laptop with special software. Just open with your internet-browser the web-page of the device.

Logged data to Excel

Capture the required values, whether if energy-data, states of inputs or outputs, process values such as oxygen-content in the environment,... and write this with a timestamp in a CSV-file. This file can then be read and processed with Excel.

Relaycontacts 230VAC/16A directly over WIFI/LAN

Switch with the EtherSens Control with relay-output easily and directly over LAN or WIFI up to 230VAC/16A, switchable over web-browser, TCP/IP-protocol or PLC-controlled. At the same time you monitor the switching-states on the optional SD-card or on the FTP server.

Logged data to FTP-server

Do you need the logged data not locally but on your site? Then just turn on recording on an FTP-server and the data is stored. You can then immediately read and process this data.


Don´t log with EtherSens-device only the process-values, also monitor them simultaneously. Once a predetermined threshold is exceeded/not reached, the EtherSens-device indicates this.

Standalone recording

With the integrated SD-card-slot you back-up the recorded data in the device and don´t need an external memory. Nevertheless you can send additional the data via FTP to a FTP-server.

E-Mail notification

Do you monitor processes and upon reaching a predetermined upper/lower limit, you need a message? Then activate in the device the limit-value-monitoring and you get this message. Furthermore, the device also sends its state and you are always up to date.

Worldwide access

No matter where you are, access to the EtherSens-device and its web-interface is available from everywhere.

Parallel access LAN/WiFi

Access parallel via LAN and Wifi to the EtherSens-device. Therefor create via the web-server for each way an ip-address, regardless whether its the same subnet or not.

Standardised time

Should all EtherSens devices record time-synchronized in your equipment? By coupling with an NTP-time-server, all devices pick up the current time and adjust this.

Battery buffered time

You always need a current time, but do not always have a time-server on site. With the integrated battery-backed RTC you always have the current time in the unit. Even if the power fails, the time in the unit continues to operate, so that when the voltage returns, the time continues to run correctly.


You need a DHCP server on your network. Activate this functionality in your EtherSens-device and you have immediately a server in the network. Consistently, the EtherSens-device also can act as DHCP-slave.


By the EtherSens-cloud each EtherSens-device can exchange data, transfer data and forward to other devices. As if you use one device that records all necessary parameters centrally.

LAN-subscriber to the WiFi

You also need to network devices but don´t have locally no ethernet-cable. Wifi is available? With the EtherSens-Bridge you bring immediately all connected wired participants in the WLAN network.

Take over control-tasks

Capture with the Ethersens-device not only your process-values, you would be able to do control-tasks with the device.

Data acquisition/logging

By connecting a line-recorder to the EtherSens-device anyone without network-knowledge can visually capture and further process the log.

Detect unnecessary idling

Detect the efficiency of your plant/machine by EtherSens-Energy-devices. Log the preset parameters and evaluate them then later. Find so unnecessary idle-times and increase so the efficiency.

Energy-data acquisition

Do you also need the energy-consumption of your plant or need to determine the cos phi? With the EtherSens Energy you can capture and record by using a Rogowski-coil or folding-core the required values.

Message dispatch from the PLC

Send directly from your PLC news, statuses, alarms as SMS or email.

Capture data and control independently

Apply small control tasks of your systems with EtherSens-Control-devices. Determine switching points where the device is running to respond. Depending on the parameterization, an email or SMS notification (depending on the device-configuration) or the device automatically controls via the optional IO-modules (analog / digital / relay).

All prices plus costs of delivery, shipping insurance and VAT.
All prices plus costs of delivery, shipping insurance and VAT.

Analysis technic

Mobile intelligent network-analyser
Oxygen - Service - Controller II
O₂-analysis 100% - 10-24 of industrial gases
mobile and accurate measurement of oxygen at OSM sensors

Products for the LOGO! - controls

smallest simatic S7 ethernet gateway with PD-socket, multifunctional, 1 adapter for all PPI, MPI and Profibus applications
with ext. 24V-connector
easy remote maintenance over internet
Analysis/diagnosis/monitoring of ProfiNet-systems
Sending eMail with LOGO!-Control
Sending SMS with LOGO!-Control
Process energy-data with LOGO!-Control
Mobile intelligent network-analyser 1GB
Recording of serial transmission lines for error analysis
Plaintext display variables +++ Analyze panel-accesses +++ Determine data wo. a project +++ Recordings in web interface +++ Determine participant access +++ S7-300/400 PPI/MPI/PROFIBUS +++ Direct on bus of the S7-PLC


Analysis technic
Determination of physical measured variables
Data-backup of PLC
Remote maintenance / Remote access
Programming adapter S5
Programming adapter S7
Interface-multiplexer for the Programming Device (PD) of the programmable logic controller (PLC)
Bussystem S5 (BT-777 / DUPLINE)
Accessories for bus systems of the S5
ProfiNet - analysis/diagnosis/monitoring
Service-suitcase for couppling to a PLC over LAN/WLAN incl. all accessories
Panel connection
Panel couplings around S5/7-PLCs
Error messaging
Send disorders by fax, sms, e-mail, voice
Industrie 4.0 tools
Tools around industry 4.0
Programming-software PG-2000 Step5 & Step7
STEP5/7 for Windows-PCs +++ Original S5D-/S7P-file-format +++ Also for Win10/11
Memory modules / Prommer
All about memory modules and the corresponding programming devices
Upgrading older production facilities for the future
and Industry 4.0
All prices plus costs of delivery, shipping insurance and VAT.


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